Mending Your Mother Wound: A Guide to Healing Your Inner Child

Mending Your Mother Wound: A Guide to Healing Your Inner Child

Within the depths of your shared history lies the potential for transformation—a journey of self-discovery that not only heals old wounds but also strengthens the bonds that unite you and your mother.


This Guide Is For You If

Moms who want collaborative and supportive connections with their Daughters.
Moms who want collaborative and supportive connections with their Daughters.
Moms and daughters who want a deeper understanding of themselves and each other.
Moms and daughters who want a deeper understanding of themselves and each other.
This guide is for Daughters who want to heal their Mother Wound.
This guide is for Daughters who want to heal their Mother Wound.
Daughters who want to strengthen their relationship with their Mom.
Daughters who want to strengthen their relationship with their Mom.

The Visionaries Behind it All

Annie White

Annie White, a former dating and relationship coach since 2014, has a knack for bringing couples together and strengthening bonds. With her guidance, numerous couples have walked down the aisle, and relationships have flourished. Drawing on this wealth of experience, Annie is now focused on healing traumas and improving relationships through her digital guides. Her credibility stems from years of success in coaching, where she has demonstrated a unique ability to foster deep connections and facilitate growth in relationships. 

Tina Mack

As one of the authors of the mother wound guide, Tina Mack brings a wealth of personal experience to the table. Growing up, she navigated the complexities of her relationship with her mother, learning valuable lessons along the way. Now, as a mother herself, Tina draws from her journey to foster a strong bond with her daughter, navigating challenges with openness and unconditional love. Her unique perspective as both a daughter and a mother enriches the guide, offering insights and strategies for healing and growth.

Hareem Khan

Hareem Khan brings a deeply personal perspective to the table. Her journey with her mother, marked by challenges and growth, serves as a powerful backdrop for understanding and healing mother wounds. Through their shared experiences, Hareem offers insights and lessons learned, providing hope and guidance to others facing similar struggles.